Monday, November 24, 2008

El Nino

Hi All,

As your reading this have a quick look out your window. I bet theres no wind, not a cloud in the sky and barometers at a steady 1115... and you wanna know why??? Cause its a bloody work day and we cant get out on the bloody water. Burn!

Nothing frustrates me more than having one day a week to whet my fishing thirst and being delivered the crap we were dished up on the weekend in Sydney. The report said 18kt winds on saturday. Now i cop 18kt winds...barely but it can be done. We opted to fish a section of the hawkesbury with protection from the wind due to the high cliffs... but what we didnt cater for was the real weather report. Instead of 18kt winds try 80kt winds... just an absolute joke. How can the weather report get it sooo wrong??? Usually i wouldnt even bother going out if the report of wind is above 20kts.

Anyhow we battled on. We did manage 3 flatties before the apex of the wind storm really hit. To make matters worse i had a greenhorn on board and it wasnt really the day for tuition.

These unpredicatble patterns are set to continue i feel. The only drama is that right now, looking out my work window overlooking sydney harbour the conditions are perfect... go figure.

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