Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fishing World Magazine

Hi All,

As some of you may know i do a little bit of work for Fishing World magazine. I have only been with the company a few years now but in that time i have had the pleasure to meet some outstanding people, fishing with a few of them and befriend a lot more. It really has invigorated my fishing, given me something to look forward to and in the process made me a better fisherman.

The aspect like most is thinking of a possible story and spending time to perfect the species or technique or even the location in question. I seem to enjoy a deadline??? But the writing of the story isn't the hard part. It's getting a fish to co-operate in front of the lens. Any good fishing writer will tell you quality pics are the main game, not so much the fishing or writing.

Anyway, the last month saw Fishing World's 40th anniversary of the magazine, way back when fishing luminaries such as Vic McCrystal were pioneering the sportfishing movement in Oz. It's hard not to feel a sense of pride writing for this mag when you gaze upon the history.

An article was posted on the fishing world website listing in chronological order the writers the boys at the mag feel have done some outstanding work over the years. I was filled with pride to be the last man on that list; number 88 in fact. I could not believe i was on a list of names that outlines the heritage of the cream of fishing writers in this country. Some have passed on from writing, whist some still persue writing to this day. Names such as Rod harrison, John Mondora, Geoff Wilson, John Newbery and the eppervescent David Green just to name a few. I love gazing back on my old issues i pinched from my uncles. This was in a time when Greeny still had some boyish good looks!

It was a proud moment in my angling life. Who would have thought the wharf rat from sydney made it good. Check the link hereabouts for some nostalgic value.

Please support the magazine everyone. It's our patrons that keep the dream alive!
