Thursday, October 9, 2008

Big Bream on Soft Plastics

Hi All,

Been sussin out some new bream fishin techniques lately. Thought it might be a good time to share a few thoughts and findings with you all.

As some of you may or may not know i write for Fishing World magazine. I have a article coming up early next year on fishing for bream in deep water. So while i will divulge a few secrets i won't give too much away and give you all no reason to buy the magazine. After all i need you guys to buy the mag and keep me in a job:)

I have been working on some new techniques that target bream in deep water. By deep i mean water over 30ft. Yes, 30ft! This wouldnt come as a surprise to bait fishos that regularly target breambos in water substantially deeper than this. Its just in our current fad to fish light jigheads and finesse softies or tiny pint sized hard bodies we are targeting water at times no deeper than your knees.

Savvy tournament anglers are now unlocking a 'new' fishery in open water that sees substantially less fishing pressure than the fringes of an estuary in which fish have had every lure thrown at them imaginable. In a quest for tournament succesxs invariably the cunning successful anglers are trying new tactics to unlock a few jaws.

In comes the deep water tactics. In essence the technique is a simple iteration of standard bream techniques currently in use. Where things change a little is the type of presentations used. Typically a standard bream softy is 2 or 3" in length. For deep water action longer more streamlined lures are preferable. Look to plastics in the 4 to 6" range. Some examples are Berkley 6" Sandworms and Berkley 4" fry....

Log in tomorrow for how to use these lures in the deep stuff.

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